An Incredible Thought.

Things here recently have been very... exhausting! Who knew getting up at 5 every morning was so hard?! Mom was watching me get my coffee one morning, which I always have pre-made thanks to the most amazing invention ever... Let's just take a moment here and truly appropriate automatic coffee makers... I mean it's hard enough to get into the kitchen without coffee, but to MAKE it too?? That's just not happening lol!

Anyway, she was laughing because I have mastered the art of a blind morning. For those who don't know what a blind morning is, I'll explain. A blind morning is when you are so exhausted and haven't had a cup of coffee yet so your eye lids refuse to open until you have at least a sip. I have literally mastered going to the kitchen, pulling out a coffee cup, getting the creamer and a spoon, pouring the coffee and stirring all with my eyes closed. I'm not saying I am not a morning person, I'm simply saying I'm a coffee person.. Take away the coffee and I'm still a person.. just a much less functioning and happy person! I really should come with a warning label though.. ;)

I was reading in Romans 12 when I 
read a verse that made me stop and think a lot. I have to share it with you because of how much it made me think. I have probably re-read this verse about 50 times, and I still think it's so beautiful. It's the 15th verse and it reads "Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep." 

All I could think when I read it was what an incredible thought, to have that much love that you can stop and feel what someone is feeling with them. To be happy and exited in someones moments of pure joy and comforting, caring and compassionate in the hard times. How many times have we gone to weddings and rejoiced in the very idea of God allowing two people to love each other so completely that they would want to spend there whole lives with one another. How many times we have gone to funerals and cried with loved ones, everyone comforting and showing compassion. It's such a blessing, and I am so thankful that we have the chance to have that in our lives. 

I also just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone for reading this blog! I was really nervous about writing but everyone has been so encouraging and full of support and I just really appreciate it! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend filled with sun and fun!! <3


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