
Woke up this morning at about 6:30, Adeline woke up and I put her back to bed and looked outside and to my surprise.. Snow! It had snowed about 1/2 an inch and was still coming down like crazy. So, as always I made the coffee, bundled up and headed out to watch. Snow is my favorite weather. Yes,I know it's cold and wet. However, nothing is as beautiful as snow. The quietness that it brings, everything gets a clean start. Snow is so pure and beautiful, I just love it more than I can tell you. 

In fact, my daughters Chinese name has something to do with snow. Yes, my daughter has a Chinese name, Landon's best friend is Chinese and his Grandmother helped him name her (In China it is a great honor to be asked to give the child a name) and so he described our little girl and gave her a name. We plan to have some artwork done of it. 

Every time it snows I go for a walk alone in it. Usually before anyone else wakes up, It brings peace to my soul, helps me breath and think clearly. Iv'e been thinking about how we get so distracted, technology is at the tips of our fingers constantly and at least for myself, it gets in the way of life. I hate that I think about my phone so much, worry that someone is trying to get a hold of me when I don't have it on me. There is a lot of Anxiety that comes with technology. For myself, I need to disconnect more. Focus on what is happening in front of me and not on my screen. It's hard, but I know with as much Anxiety as I have, it would be best for me to leave it alone and focus on my daughter and husband instead. 

How do you disconnect? I like keeping up with my friends, and seeing that I have unread emails on my phone makes my heart pound, so how do you deal with it? Give me some ideas!

Enjoy the snow today! I know I am.


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