
Happy Thanksgiving week everyone!!

Lets be honest, this week is always one of hectic driving, baking, prepping, and cooking! And I personally couldn't love it more! Being in the kitchen is one of my favorite places to be. Bustling around in my apron making cranberry sauce, pies and pumpkin rolls and so much more! All for the love of my family! And this year the Graves/Fulbright girls will ALL be together. I don't think we have all been in one place at the same holiday in over 4 years, maybe more. So it's an exciting year for sure. My sister is on her way to Oregon as I type and I am so excited! 

Of course we started this week out all 3 of us having a Flu, so that almost put a damper on things, however we all seem to be doing just fine now thank the good Lord.  So now, I have to make up for lost time. All morning I have been getting my lists organized, getting batches of cranberry sauce made up (Home made is the way to go!! If you need a good recipe, LET ME KNOW! Mine is simple and DELICIOUS.)  And making some pies and pumpkin roll for Landon's work. 

Every year I try to make up a few extra batches of goodies to send to his co-workers. I think it helps put everyone in a holiday, feel good, nice mood. Plus if they keep Landon employed just for my caramel apple cinnamon rolls, at least I am contributing right?? ;) And this year is no different. The pumpkin roll I made for them is chilling in the fridge, and after thanksgiving I plan to do a few more yummys for them! Keeps me busy, and I like having a place to send the extra goodies! Landon and I have enough to go around most the time, believe me!! haha!

This time of year is my favorite, as I am sure every single one of you know and are rolling your eyes that I felt the need to express that again ;) HOWEVER, it really is. There is something in the air right now, that people are just simply kinder. People feel the desire to help one another out, and I have said it every year and I pray I can continue saying it every year because it gives me hope that other people who may be having a hard time can find one person, just one, who will lend a helping hand or even just a smile. I try with all my might to look around myself and see if anyone can use help, and I can promise you, someone always does. We all need a little help now and again. Heck, I can always use help folding some laundry if your offering . ;)

Anyway, I am sitting here enjoying a cup of peppermint coffee and listening to... *Whispers* Christmas Music.. (At this point I just couldn't wait any longer!! Plus.. they don't have Thanksgiving themed music so... not my fault. Right? haha!) while my little girl is snoozing away before we have to go make a grocery run to pick up some extra eggs, and baking supplies. So I will leave you with a cheery Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you and your family and friends have a wonderful holiday together, and find the peace and happiness in simply being with one another, and eating great food! ;)

Happy Thanksgiving!!! <3


  1. I love this time of year too! =)

    1. It’s the best! Plus the food is great so that’s a bonus too right? 😘


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