All In One Year...

A year ago from today is one of my favorite days of my life. It is a day that changed my life in the most unexpected way. I woke up thinking it was just like any other Sunday. I was in Brownsville and was planning on heading back to Redding after church, but sometimes God has his own plan in mind. The funny thing is, if you had asked me at 8 o'clock that morning exactly one year ago if I thought I would marry Landon then I would have told you no. Asked me again at 3 o'clock and my answer was without a doubt yes. I know, it sounds weird but it's completely true. 

I woke up at Sis Ambers house and we went to Bro Scotty and Sis Shays home for breakfast, Landon had stayed the night there. We got over there and had breakfast, after Bro Scotty and Landon pulled out there bibles and started reading. This is the moment when I heard a voice say "If Landon gets babtized today, we would get married." And I remember thinking that was so strange because Landon hadn't talked to me about getting babtized or wanting too at all. I pushed the thought away because I took it as myself being silly. The same voice said the same thing 2 hours later in church as I sat next to him. Again I pushed it away. 

After church it was church dinner, so Landon and I headed to the park where we got lost for about 10 minutes and he finally asked me how I knew when I was supposed to be babtized. Shocked, I told him what happened the day I got babtized and he just listened never saying a word. When we got to the park he gave his hand. I walked up to my friend Alyssa and told her that I was going to marry him. She asked if we were dating, I said no. She asked if he knew how I felt and again I answered no. She looked at me like I had sprouted horns and just nodded. 

That night we went down to the water, had an ordinance supper and headed home. Landon rode back home with me and told me that he wanted to be with me. We kissed for the first time and "officially" started dating. 3 weeks later I moved to Oregon with a good job and after2 months we were engaged. 

Now here we are exactly one year later married, we bought house and I am pregnant with our first child. It amazing what can happen in one year, God truly worked everything out perfectly and I can never thank him enough for his blessings on me. Happy 1 year anniversary Landon, here's to many more amazing years! <3


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