I love my married life!

Being married is the best thing i've ever done. It helps that I have the best husband ever, but I really am loving the married life. Having my own home and cooking whatever I want and just taking care of my husband. One thing I have found is that if you talk to some women who aren't married and aren't dating anyone, that don't get why i want to pamper my husband. If you have ever seen the picture from a textbook "Way back when" its a picture of a women and her duties as a wife, I was reading a feed on Pinterest about this picture and every woman was talking about how sexist this picture was and a husband can get what he wants himself, one woman even said she could go find her at the bar... To this I have to say you clearly don't get what being a housewife means. It's not about serving your husband hand and foot while he treats you like garbage. Its a partnership.

My husband spends every day working hard for me out in the sun or rain to provide a living for us, In return I make his lunch, keep the house clean, do the grocery shopping and whatever else he needs me to do. He always has clean clothes (as long as I am not spending the whole day on the bathroom floor with morning sickness lol) and I try to have dinner made either when he gets home or after he takes a shower. I really am lucky, my husband is the kindest and most patient man ever. Since I have been having really bad morning sickness he will get home some days bringing me whatever food I happened to be craving that day or he will make himself dinner and then take care of me. This is what a partnership is and I couldn't love my husband more for this. I don't look at anything I do as being a slave for my husband, I look at it as being a good wife and making my husband happy and easing his life as much as possible.

Saying this, I definitely take time for myself and do things I want to do but most things include my husband because he is my best friend and I love spending as much time with him as I can. However while he is at work, like today, I will go to Starbucks and relax for awhile or call up a girlfriend and hang out for the day. I love my life, it's wonderful and rewarding to me and when this baby comes I will not only be a housewife but a stay at home mom. So to all the girls that have said housewifes are slaves, I say that you are missing out on an amazing life. I don't say anything to you about the life you live so please don't judge me on how I live mine. That's the great thing about where we live, were free to lead the life we choose and do what makes you happy and this life I have makes me extremely happy. :)


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